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Everything you need to know about automations in Payaca

Rob Duncan avatar
Written by Rob Duncan
Updated over a week ago

What are automations

Automations are commands that cause set processes to occur within your account without you needing to perform them manually.

For example, pipeline automations are set so that every time you send a proposal, a project will automatically move from the "New lead" section of your pipeline into the "Proposal sent" section of your pipeline.

This is an example of a very simple preset automation.

Automations are available to Payaca users in two different formats, either as template automations or as custom automations.

How automations are structured

Automations are structured as follows:

  1. Trigger

  2. Condition

  3. Action

Those with access to custom automations can control all three of these parameters.

  1. The trigger refers to the non-automated, manual action that activates the automation. For example, a trigger could be the creation of a project or the adding of a tag.

  2. The condition is a limitation that is used to set the terms in which the automation can act. For example, you may want the automation not to affect projects with certain tags or only to affect projects with certain tags.

    • Note: You don't need to set a condition

  3. The action is the result that is produced by the automation. This is what you want the automation to do. For example, send an email or a text, or move a project into a new column in your pipeline.

Automation templates vs custom automation

Template automations

Template automations are prebuilt automations that can be switched on and off. These cannot be edited like you can with custom automations.

Template automations have a specific prebuilt function or job that they are designed for. These automations are clearly labelled, describing what they do.

Currently, these automations are split into the 3 categories they affect: projects, proposals and invoices.

Custom automations

Those with growth plans have the option to use either preset automations (template automations) or they can create their own custom automations.

Custom automations allow you to control the parameters that an automation runs within.

You can switch automation on and off and decide what triggers and exceptions govern how they run.

Setting up automations

There are many different types of automations that can be used to achieve different functions.

Here are some of the most common types of automation and how to set them up.

Creating pipeline stage change automations

This automation trigger is highly flexible as it can be used for system stages (e.g. Proposal sent or Fully paid) but can also be applied to custom stages you create (e.g. Order parts).

Step 1 - Select the trigger

Automation type = "Project"

What will be the trigger for your actions(s) = "Pipeline stage changed"

Step 2 - Add a condition

You could have multiple conditions but generally you will want at least one.

In the example below we are using the condition, "Project pipeline stage = Complete - fully paid".

Whenever a project moves to this stage the automation will run.

Step 3 - add your actions

In the example below we have set up an email and an SMS to be sent when the pipeline stage changes and it meets the condition.

This could be used to message the customer or a teammate responsible for the next stage of the process.

How to create service reminders

When you complete a service form in Payaca, or any form that has a "Next Inspection Due Date" you will see the option to Add a new project and calendar event for this future inspection.

Ticking this box will:

  1. Create a new project for the future that will become visible in your project pipeline 30 days before the next inspection is due.

    1. This project will be tagged Repeat so you can configure automations around it.

    2. This new project will have a link attached to the previous project.

  2. Create a placeholder event in your calendar on the next inspection due date

    1. The event will be linked to the new project.

    2. This will be tagged Repeat and will have another tag related to the source e.g. Boiler Service Record.

This will all happen automatically but the next step is important and gives you complete control over how you configure your service reminders. Here's a simple starting point:

*Important - you need to set up this automation*

  • Set the automation type to "Event"

  • Set the trigger to "Starts in 1 month"

  • Set the conditions to "Has a tag", "equals", "Repeat"

  • And "Has a tag", "equals", "Boiler Service Record"

  • The action should be set to "SMS Notification" to "Customer phone Number".

You can configure multiple actions including emails and SMS messages as well as the automatic progress of the project through the pipeline depending on what action the customer takes.

Setting up 'on my way' SMS messages

Set the Trigger Automation type to "Event"

Set the trigger to "Tagged"

Click to add a new condition

In this instance, we are going to set the conditions to the following:

  • "Has a tag", "equals", "On Way"

On Way matches the tag used for the event status

To set up the SMS, click "Add action"

Choose "SMS Notification" from the drop-down list

Choose "Customer phone number"

Click in the message area to add your text.

Add custom variables to your messages from the list on the right.

When you're happy with your automation, click "Save".

Use the "On/Off" switch to turn the automation on or off.

Automate Google or Trustpilot review requests

Name your new automation

Change the Trigger Automation type to "Project"

Set the trigger to "Tagged"

Click to add a new condition

In this instance, we are going to set the condition as "Has a Tag", "equals", "Google Review" for Google review requests or "TrustPilot Review" for trust pilot review requests

To set up the Email, click "Add action"

Choose "E-mail Notification"

Choose "Customer e-mail"

You can also customise the information such as the email subject line, Cc and Bcc addresses and add attachments

Click in the message area to add your text

For Google review requests, use this message to request your review, making sure you include your Google review link. If you do not know how to find your link, follow the instructions here

For TrustPilot review requests, use this message to explain to your customer that a review link will be coming from TrustPilot. See here for more information on setting this up.

Add custom variables to your messages from the list on the right

When you're happy with your automation, click "Save".

Use the "On/Off" switch to turn the automation on or off.

Sending event booking confirmations

Name your new automation

Change the Trigger Automation type to "Event"

Set the trigger to "Created"

Click to add a new condition

In this instance, we are going to set the conditions to the following:

  • "Has a tag", "equals", ...

  • For the tag name, decide a name that matches the event status

For every event that you want to trigger a booking confirmation, you will need to assign this specific tag for it to work.

You now need to choose the action that the automation performs.

For booking confirmations this could be an email or a text. You can create multiple actions so you could set the automation to send both an email and text.

From the drop-down choose between "E-mail notification" or "SMS Notification".

Proceed to fill out the information that will populate either the text or email that gets sent out. You can use the variables to automatically send out personalised information.

Event reminders

These automatic reminders work in a similar way to automation templates, however, these automations can be found and switched on from the "My Company" section under "Schedule".

Click "Add reminder".

This will open the "Type", "Time" and "Include description" dropdowns.

Choose if you want your reminder to be an email or text reminder.

Choose how many days, hours or minutes before the event you want the event reminder to trigger.

Once set up reminders will be sent out for any upcoming events with an associated customer address.

Reminders will contain the following message:

This is a friendly reminder that your booking is scheduled for [Date] at [Time] at the following address:

[Address taken from event]


[Your company name].

You are unable to customise this message, however you can choose to include the event description in the message for email messages.

If you choose to do this make sure that you are happy with the text in your event description as this will be used word for word in your reminders and will be applied to all events.

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