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The Client Portal
Rob Duncan avatar
Written by Rob Duncan
Updated over a week ago

The client portal is a web page designed to support your end users.

It provides a platform where they can view quotes, invoices and other files you have sent them.

From the client portal, you provide your end clients with a platform to track the status of a project they have with you while helping to make your business look more professional and increase efficiency.

How do my customers access the client portal?

Whenever you send your customers a document, whether it be a quote, invoice or just sharing files they will be sent an email with a link to your client portal.

The email will include your logo with some text directing them to click on the button that will take them to the portal.

Below they will be provided with a URL they can copy and paste into their browser in case the button doesn't work.

What is in the client portal?

The client portal will contain any quotes, invoices or files you have shared with your customer.

If you have sent a quote or invoice, the email they receive will take them directly to that document (within the portal).

If they choose to, they can navigate to the project overview from the document you have shared.

If they have multiple projects with you (including historic projects) they can also view these from the "All Projects" view.

Project overview

At the top of any quote or invoice a customer views, they will see a clickable link saying "Project #[project number] overview".

Clicking on this will take them to the client portal project main page.

There are 5 sections within the client portal.


At the top, below the "Proposals" heading you will see a link to any active quotes or estimates. The status of your quote or estimate will be shown on the right with the "Received" and "Valid until" dates displayed below.

Event bookings

Customers can see all upcoming and past events in the "Your bookings" section.

This will show them the date, timings and event name. They won't be able to see any more information about that event.

Shared files

Below the events section you will see any shared files.

These can be opened by clicking on the file name or the download icon.

If no files have been shared this section will remain empty.

For an explanation of how to share files read our article on "Managing and sharing documents".

Invoices and payments

Under shared files are the "Invoices" and "Payments" sections.

The invoices box will contain a list of any invoices that have been sent.

These will contain a link to the invoice which can be accessed by clicking on the invoice number or the download icon.

The client will also be able to see the status (if it has been paid) and the total value of the invoice.

The payment box will show the date, status and amount paid by the client.


At the bottom of the portal, any accreditations or other relevant material will displayed alongside your VAT number and Company registration no.

Viewing all projects

To view all of your projects, including historic projects, your customer needs to use the "All Projects" link in the top left.

This will take them to a new menu from which they will be able to see a list of any projects they have open with you.

Your customers will be able to click on any project they have with you and view the project overview screen as explained above.

They can also view historic projects by clicking on the "Complete" tab.

Accepting and signing proposals

When you send a customer a proposal they will receive an email with a link to the client portal.

They need to click on the "View quote" or "View estimate" button. This will take them to the proposal.

They will be able to view their quote.

On the right, they will see a summary box. Within this, they will see a "Sign to accept" button, the option to decline, and a link to your terms of business below.

If the customer is happy with the quote they can click "Sign to accept".

This will open a pop-up giving them the option to write their signature or type their signature.

To complete their signature they need to click "Sign to accept".

A message will appear saying "Thank you for accepting!"

They can close this message and view their quote with a time-stamped signature on it.

They can also navigate back to the main menu of the portal to see the status of any other forms or documents shared with them.

Making payments

When a customer receives a payment email from you, they will see the following message with your branding and details.

They will need to click on the "View Invoice" button to proceed.

They will be shown the invoice portal screen. To make a payment they need to click "Make a payment".

This will open the payment pop-up. If you have enabled bank transfers and card payments, these options will be available for the customer to select.

If bank transfer is selected, this will show your payment details and the costs.

Please note: These payment details will not appear until after the customer clicks "Make a payment".

If card payments are selected, the Stripe payment portal will be shown. The customer can input their information and the payment will be processed directly from the invoice.

When payment is made you will see a record of this against the project, under the Invoices / Payments tab.

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