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Rob Duncan avatar
Written by Rob Duncan
Updated over a week ago

In Payaca, invoices are typically generated by converting a proposal to an invoice. It is also possible to go straight to an invoice. Both methods will be covered in this article.

Viewing your invoices

Invoices can be viewed either as a continuous list from the invoices page or from within specific projects.

By using the left-hand navigation bar you can view your complete invoice list.

From this view, you'll be able to see a chronological list of all your invoices with information on associated projects and customers, status, due date and invoice value.

You can also view an invoice from inside a project.

Invoices are created and stored within projects. This means every individual invoice is directly associated with its respective project.

Creating an invoice from an accepted proposal

Follow the steps in the proposals article to build your proposal. Once your proposal has been sent and accepted you can now create an invoice.

Within an open project, go to the "Invoices" tab.

From here, you will be able to see the value of your current proposal. This is indicated by the "To invoice" value.

Next to this is the "Invoiced" value, which indicates how much of the total value of your proposal has been invoiced. If you haven't yet created an invoice this will be 0.

To generate an invoice, click "Create Invoice"

This will open the invoicing value editor.

If you want to invoice for the total value of the project, simply click "Create for [value]".

Part invoicing

When creating invoices you may not want to invoice for the total value of your proposal. You can do this from the value editor.

From the Invoices/Payments tab of your project click "Create Invoice".

With the value editor open you can choose to invoice for a percentage of the full project value or to a fixed value.

Percentage value invoice

In the percentage box choose what percentage of the project you want to invoice. The value editor will automatically calculate what total this equates to - displayed on the right.

Fixed value invoice

To create an invoice for a fixed value less than the total project value, click "Input £".

Input the amount you want to invoice up to the value of your project.

Invoice by line item

When part invoicing it is also possible to invoice by individual items.

To do this, go to create a part invoice as usual. Choose a percentage or fixed value and click "Create for [value]".

This will show you the invoice.

Each item is broken down by unit price, quantity, VAT, % due, and the actual value due.

Click "Edit % due by line".

This gives you the ability to alter the percentage of each line item that is invoiced. You could for example choose to invoice for 70% of one item and 12% of another.

If you want to invoice for one of your line items, but not the other, you can do this quickly by using the "Max" and "0%" buttons. These will set a line item percentage to either 100% or 0.

Invoicing after a deposit or initial invoice

If you included a deposit as part of your proposal, then an invoice will automatically be created as part of this process.

This means when you come to invoice the rest of the project, you will see the deposit value already recorded.

Any value that has already been sent as an invoice will be displayed in green, the value you intend to invoice will appear in yellow and the value still to be invoiced will appear in blue.

This will be the same when creating any additional part invoices after an initial invoice.

Sending an invoice

Sending an invoice works in the same way as sending proposals.

Once you're happy with the invoice, click "Preview". This will show you a preview of what the invoice will look like.

From this screen, you can customise your outgoing email message.

When you're ready to send the invoice click "Send".

If you don't want to send the customer the invoice but want to progress it through your pipeline, use the "Mark as sent" button. According to the system, the invoice will appear to be sent but the customer won't actually receive anything.

Creating an invoice without a proposal

In some cases, you may want to go straight to an invoice without first creating a proposal.

To do this, from an open project, go to the "Invoices/Payments" tab.

Click "Create Invoice".

You can now design and create the invoice as you would a proposal.

Voiding an invoice

Click on the invoice you wish to void. This will open it for viewing.

Click on the three dots in the corner.

Click "Void this invoice".

Click "Void" to confirm.

Click "Back to project" to return to the project.

Marking invoices as paid

If you have received a payment and it hasn't automatically been updated in your account then you can record a payment manually.

You can do this from within a project or from the main invoices page.

From a project

To manually record a payment from within a project, go to the invoices sub-tab and click

"Record Payment".

You can then make a record of the payment, just enter the amount, and the date and select the payment method.

From the invoices page

You can also mark an invoice or multiple invoices as paid from the invoices page.

This allows you to record multiple payments at once if a single customer has paid a number of invoices together.

To do this, go to the invoices page and use the check box to select the invoices you want to mark as paid.

Please Note: You will only be able to select invoices from one customer and they must be in a sent state.

Once you have selected the invoices, click "Mark as paid".

Use the pop-up to select who the payment was made and the date it occurred. You can also add any internal notes. If you would like to send the customer a receipt, leave the check box ticked.

Click "Continue".

For a full breakdown covering how to take and manage payments read our taking payments help article.

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