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How to create quote templates
How to create quote templates
Felix Rusby avatar
Written by Felix Rusby
Updated over a week ago

In Payaca there is no specific quote template feature, however, you can achieve a similar effect using item groups.

Item groups can be used to quickly build similar quotes very quickly.

In many ways, item groups are a more powerful feature than quote templates as they give you more flexibility and customisability than a standard template.

How do item groups work

Item groups are made up of a collection of items that have been saved together as a package.

These groups can be dropped directly into a quote, meaning you don't have to build out the quote item by item.

For example, if you were doing a boiler fit, you could drop in a selection of boilers in an item group or multiple groups. All you would need to fill out would be the intro and notes (if you wanted to add these).

In practice, this means you can create a quote, add your groups and send it to the customer in a couple of clicks. You could have a quote ready to go in under 2 minutes, from scratch.

This effectively allows you to achieve the same thing as a template.

For more information on how to create and use item groups, read the item groups section of our proposals article.

Duplicating proposals

The other method you can use to very quickly create like-for-like quotes is by duplicating a proposal.

To do this, find the project containing the proposal you want to copy. The proposal needs to be sent, but other than that, the project can be at any stage in the pipeline.

Find the proposal in the proposals tab of your project.

Click on the three dots next to your proposal.

Click "Duplicate".

This will open a copy of the proposal in the editing state. You can make edits to this proposal or leave it as it is.

Use the customer box at the top to create a new customer or add a saved customer. This will automatically create a new project that your new proposal will be attached to

When you are happy with the quote, progress with it as you would any other quote.

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