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Timelogs and Costs
Rob Duncan avatar
Written by Rob Duncan
Updated over a week ago

Timelogs allow field agents to log the time they spend, whether on a piece of work or other activity, against an event. This allows a business to attribute a cost or expense against time spent.

For example, a field agent may want to track and price the cost of travelling to a job, completing the job and returning. Each different stage can be priced and labelled accordingly.

How to create a timelog (old mobile app)

Timelogs are designed for field users and are created via the original mobile app. For steps on how to use the new field service app read "Using the field app".

To record a timelog, open an event or create a new event from your schedule.

Tap "Start tracking time".

A yellow banner will appear at the top of your screen with a timer running.

You can leave this timer running during the duration of the time you want to record.

Once you are ready to finish recording your log, tap "Complete".

You can adjust your recorded time by changing the start and end times.

If you have set up timelog types, you can use the dropdown to assign a category to your log.

You can see any timelogs you have recorded against this event by tapping on "View timelogs".

You will see a record of all your recorded timelogs. These can only be changed from the web version of Payaca.

Creating timelog types

Timelog types allow you to set up different categories that a field agent can assign their time to.

From the profile drop-down menu, go to "My company".

Click on "Time tracking".

Click "Add a new type".

In the "Type" box define the type of timelog category you want to create. You can also include a description to add some extra information.

Once you're happy click "Save".

Setting hourly rates against field agents

When you are using timelogs, you can set up an hourly rate that is attached to different field users.

This allows you to price against the time spent on a job or other activity that a field agent is undertaking.

To assign an hourly rate, first click on the profile drop-down menu in the top right corner.

Select "Users"

Click on the three dots next to the user you want to assign the hourly rate to.

You will see a box named "Cost per hour".

Input the hourly price you want to charge for that field agent into the "Cost per hour" box.

When you're happy click "Save".

In future, any time that field agent records a timelog against an event, the log will appear in the timelogs section of your account with costs shown according to your chosen rate.

View your timelogs

To view your timelogs including a breakdown of logged time against field agents, go to the timelogs page in your account.

You will be able to see a breakdown of time spent, cost and associated events, projects and customers.

You can also use the filters at the top of the page to refine how you view field agents' logged time.

You can also view a timelog by opening any event with a log (or logs) saved against it and selecting "View timelogs".

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